Why You Should Set Systems for Goals

This morning as I was performing my usual daily routine, I came a across a speech by one of the most renowned motivational speaker on this planet..  (At some point in the future I’ll share my current morning ritual or system in another post).

Anyway, whilst I was listening, I realised that most of what was being said not only rang true because it was what I was doing unconsciously, but was also something that was missing in most of the people that I came across.  In some form or another, this has to do with the discipline to follow through to your goal or objective.  It is also a part of goal setting and achievement which forms the foundation to any successful endeavour.

I’ll go through now my observations and then provide the link below to the audio so you can listen too – Feel free to provide any comments of feedback!

What is a Goal?

According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition, a goal is defined as:

  • The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary a goal is defined as:

  • The end toward which effort is directed

Although the above have slightly different interpretations, they both infer an energy that is centred on obtaining an objective whether it be a reason or physical work/effort.  If you have a copy of the Capstone Pattern book, you’ll already have gone through the goal setting techniques at which you’ll learn how to set proper goals and objectives.  However, once you’ve set your goals, how do we go about them?  Are your goals so big they become a burden trying to achieve them i.e. where do we start? How do we go about creating and setting a goal if you haven’t already? Contact me for to get started.

Referring to the audio I opened this post with, the Speaker Tony Robbins discusses rituals.  These can be small or simple repetitive actions, and by ensuring you commit to them by practising them regularly with frequency and energy that eventually you achieve your overarching goal.  Tony says that this can be applied to any area in your life – Work, relationships, business, study Finance.  You name it, it applies..

Consider this example: Someone looking to write a book who doesn’t believe they can..  A simple ritual they can implement is once day or week, sit down for 10 to 30 mins and commit to writing something, anything relating to the overall topic of a book.  Additionally adding other aiding rituals that, over time, that person has enough knowledge, content and behaviours to formulate that book.

Consider also someone looking to lose weight. That person could commit to performing a ritual based on getting immediately out of bed at a marked time in the morning. Then perhaps adding as another ritual, doing something like a strecth or two and over time, adding other rituals until that person has adopted the desired behaviours that promote a healthy lifestyle and eventual weight loss.

This was a great reminder to me that coming from an technology engineering background reminds me of a computer system in that, computer programs can made of smaller programs that work together to achieve a certain goal or objective.

What is a system?

According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition, a system is defined as:

  • A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary a goal is defined as:

  • A regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole

So from the above definitions we see that systems are related to goals in that the effort of these elements or items are exerted towards a whole.  This whole can also be defined as an objective which links into the goal definitions already discussed.   When we talk about systems we can interchange that with rituals as they are also things that are done repetitively with an aim to achieve a certain end whether it be physically, mentally, spiritually you get the gist..

So, the message hear is whilst having a goal is great.  Definitely set systems or rituals as Tony Robbins calls them which are small repetitive actions in the direction of your goals.  This eventually will define your default behaviour into one of an achiever.

Ah, The Audio

Have a listen to the audio and please leave a comment!

Courtesy of Motivation Archive: FOCUS ON YOURSELF NOT OTHERS (BEST MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO 2018) ft Mulliganbrothers

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3 thoughts on “Why You Should Set Systems for Goals

  1. Pingback: Personal Alchemy or Mindset Coaching - Which One? - Capstone Creativity

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